Introducing the QuickConnect Anatomy Band
We are excited to announce the launch of our new QuickConnect Anatomy Band. We believe it is the best circumferential matrix band product in the world and we aren’t strangers to matrix band systems. Rhondium was formed by Dr. Simon McDonald, inventor of the world-renowned Triodent V3 Sectional Matrix System (also Palodent Plus).
With its emphasis on ease of use and anatomical shape, the QuickConnect Anatomy Band is a valuable addition to any dental practice looking to streamline restorative procedures and improve results.
3D Model
Click and drag to rotate 3D model
Why use the QuickConnect Anatomy Band?
Large multi-surface composite restorations often present significant clinical challenges, particularly when cusps are missing and/or there is little remaining tooth structure. Further, many traditional circumferential matrix bands offer little or no contour, create poor anatomy, are not bi-lateral, and pull away from the adjacent teeth leaving open contacts. They can often be difficult or impossible to tighten, allowing the matrix to fall off or leave ledges on the margins of the restoration. Other matrix bands require fingers in the back of the mouth to tighten or have bulking retainer mechanisms that get in the way.
The QuickConnect Anatomy Band offers a unique solution to the clinical challenges in large multi-surface composite restorations. The detachable stainless carrier provides easy placement and does not interfere with the procedure and the bands have a swivel so that they can be used in any quadrant. The tightened band clings securely to teeth, even with minimal structure, without twisting, whilst maintaining the correct tooth shape. The optional “Tight-Contact-Tabs” ensure tight and/or wide contacts through a pulling rather than pushing action. Thus, the QuickConnect Anatomy Band significantly enhances restoration efficiency and accuracy and fulfills a need that has been missing for a long time.
We have a simple solution fix to this: temporarily prise open the tight contact with a wedge, then slip the band on and then remove the wedge and place it on the restoration side of the tooth.
Dr John Flucke evaluates the QuickConnect Anatomy Band
(about 6 minutes)
QuickConnect Anatomy Band Training Video
(about 2.5 minutes)
There are two versions of QuickConnect Anatomy Bands – regular and tabbed. The regular version has no tabs on the top edge of the band.
Creating nice tight contacts on large multi-surface composites has always been challenging and one of the main causes of poor contacts is that the matrix band pulls away from the adjacent tooth, unbeknown to the clinician.
The tabbed QuickConnect Anatomy Band has special “Tight-Contact-Tabs” that are pulled with a dental probe while light-curing to ensure the matrix band is in contact with adjacent teeth, guaranteeing tight contacts. Alternatively, they can be temporarily bonded to the occlusal surfaces of the adjacent teeth using dental bond and flowable composite. This second option can save valuable time by allowing you to fill and cure both the mesial and distal boxes simultaneously.
Case Studies
Case study supplied by Dr. Ben Simmons
Case study supplied by Dr. Ben Simmons
Case study supplied by Dr. Richard Stallworthy
Case study supplied by Dr. Natasha Bell
Case study supplied by Aiden Ho