How to use the OVCSelector Keys to determine the correct size OVC3 for your case.

OVC3 Selector Key Sizing Measure

The normal way to measure is to simply slide the selector key above the prepped tooth. If it is difficult to access the prep, you may bend the measuring key to fit.

OVC3 Selector Key Sizing Fast Set Impression Material

Another option is to place a small amount of fast-set impression material on the occlusal surface of the tooth to be crowned.

OVC3 Selector Key Sizing Measure Impression

After it has set, remove the impression material for measuring. Take care to measure only the mesial-distal distance. If in doubt, choose the smaller size.

OVC3 Full Procedure Instructions

Follow Dr Terry Wong’s instructional video to practice your One Visit Crown procedure technique. Make sure you have the volume turned on.

Here are the tools you will need before you start:
• Curing light
• Flowable composite
• Flat-plastic instrument
• Sharp carving instrument
• Microbrushes
• OVC3 Case
• Separating agent (if doing the indirect procedure)
• Resin bonding agent (if doing the indirect procedure)
• Crown removal forceps (if doing the indirect procedure)

If using the OVC3 Demo/Training Kit to practice on, you will also need a screwdriver for the tooth model.

Direct Technique

If you have any questions please call us toll-free on:

NZ 0800 746 634

US 1 800 875 6246

AUS 1 800 449 282

or email for assistance.